Friday 17 April 2015

Suffolk 2015 Day 4

Today friends from Norwich were visiting. I was a bit worried about what to do about food. They had offered to bring some bits and pieces along with them and I had cooked a dozen sausages and warmed a couple of quiches up and had some ham and tomatoes. I shouldn’t have worried at all! More quiche, very tasty bead, olives and feta, roasted red peppers and various salad type things arrived. A veritable feast!

We decided that we should build up an appetite by walking to St Andrews and back before lunch. Fortunately the sun gods were smiling upon us today! A quick diversion to the beach to skim some stones, and then a stroll past the old ruined wind pump towards St Andrews.  The church used to be much bigger, similar in size to St Edmund in Southwold, but it fell upon hard times and was significantly down sized. It is very photogenic I think with the ruins of the previous church and the large tower.  We walked back the same way and had the privilege of seeing a Marsh Harrier stalking the reed beds.

We had lunch and even Avaliene graced us with  company but retired quickly to her room after eating. Skye scoffed half the sausages and never even looked at anything vaguely ‘good for you’.
Shortly after the latish lunch our friends bid us farewell and drove back to Norwich. There was so much food left over that I didn’t bother cooking that night. I did fancy a decent bottled beer though but unfortunately didn’t have any. Something to that must be remedied tomorrow…

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